GAP routine: glutes, abs and legs

There are many new terms emerging in modern sports that refer to innovative training, exercises that have never been considered before, etc. An example of this is the GAP subroutine, an abbreviation formed by the initials of the gluteal muscles, abdominals and legs. Therefore, the work is aimed at toning up the figure 10, as this is the most attractive area of ​​the body. In this article, we will show you a proposal that you can adapt to your time and physical capabilities.

rutina gap

Benefits of the GAP program: health and aesthetics

Before moving on to the full exercise of the GAP program, briefly mention the benefits, both physical and aesthetic. On a physical level, its cardiovascular benefits stand out as it improves circulation and makes the heart work while increasing exercise intensity. It also strengthens the back area and increases resistance in general.

On an aesthetic level, the GAP procedure is very good for toning the figure. It promotes fat burning, which, although carried out throughout the body, encourages the body to “utilize” reserves or deposits that are often found in the abdominal cavity or liners. While strength training needs to be given special attention to increase muscle mass, developing a normal and balanced session will achieve a harmonious figure that is defined without excessive muscle volume.

And, of course, on a practical level, there are many benefits. For example, most exercises do not require a dedicated area to do them: they can be done in the gym, as well as at home or in the park. Also, there is no need to equip yourself with too technical equipment: as we usually recommend on this blog, you can wear comfortable clothes in this type of routine, such as loose shirts and shorts or tights, tops for a good fit or workout tees. You will find all this in the “Fitness” section of the sports online store Décimas. You may need simple items as accessories, such as a rug or step for step-by-step exercises.

GAP: Exercises Not to Be Skipped

This is a list of exercises that shouldn’t be missing from your routine. You can do sets of 30 seconds, each with several reps. We’ll divide them into three groups, according to each of the letters that make up the term, although many of them also work on a different GAP muscle group, or even all three:

  • Exercises for the buttocks:
    • Buttock abduction: From a four-legged position, one of the two legs should be extended backward. If elastic bands are used, the resistance and force will be higher, which will increase the effectiveness of the exercise
    • Balance: From a step position without movement, the hind leg should be lifted until it is parallel to the ground. Hold on for a few seconds
    • Diagonal raised plank: similar to the previous one, but from a high plank start position
  • Exercises Ab:
    • V-abs: As you already know, there are many different exercises for strengthening the abs. Very effective versions are those performed in the shape of the letter V, starting with a prone position, face up, lifting the torso and extending the legs to form this letter
    • Plank: face down, body extended, resting on forearms, elbows and feet. Also good for the abdomen
    • 90º straight abs with legs to balance the legs as well
  • Leg Exercises:
    • Step with dumbbells: the fact of adding dumbbells not only strengthens the arms, but also the legs, since the body weight that is lifted by the lower limbs will be greater in general
    • Inverted Boards with Leg Raises: On the mat, face up, with legs and arms extended, with only points of support on the arms and heels, one leg raised without losing straightness. Posture Great work for abs and quads.

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